Business update: Impact of Covid on property management

What’s been the covid impact on the business?

We launched Portland 1st June 2020, which was obviously at the start of the pandemic – we had a strong base, so we knew we would survive as a business, but they were interesting times to say the least!

In terms of market impact, it’s made people less willing to move properties whilst they see how this plays out. However, given most of our new business is referrals of clients with existing portfolios it hasn’t had a negative impact.

In terms of the day to day, when COVID first appeared it was a massive challenge. As the country was going into lockdown, we needed to get round all our client’s properties – as immediately as possible – to make them COVID safe. As the nation was going into lock down it was actually or job to keep people safe within their properties.

COVID - Portland Estates Management
COVID - Portland Estates Management

A new approach for the pandemic – rising to the challenge

COVID meant we had to look at the properties very differently. We had to move quickly to get the new elements to ensure buildings were covid compliant. It was an important task and a difficult time.

In retrospect, these changes provided us with the opportunity to really show what we can do and our approach to work.

It’s ok to tell clients you are great at everything and good in an emergency, but we had to prove it – to everyone, immediately – and we did!

As a result, our referrals and new client contacts have grown so it shows that clients thought we did a good job and that our name and reputation is getting out there.